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Learn How to Improve Team Performance With Indoor Team Building Games

Winning Team Trust, Respect & Understand Each Other Well.

The primary purpose of any team building activity is to improve the performance of a team and as a team. 

The efficiency of every member determines the effectiveness of the team.

In effect, the improved performance of the team may also improve the individual performance of its members.

For this purpose, below are team building games for employees.

1. Laser Tag

The laser tag game is one of the favourite indoor activity.

All you need is a large space, some accessories which serve as barricades, obstacles or cover for the members, and equipment.

The equipment for laser tag is safe as it emits infrared light.

The laser tag game does not require running.

Instead, it involves hiding from the enemies, and for scoring, the team shoots at the enemy.

Once the opponent shot one of your team members, such member is out of the game. The team that has the most number of members wins.

Laser tag promotes values like communication, leadership, responsiveness, preparedness, motivation, and adaptability to changes. 

This indoor game helps to energise employees at work.

No doubt, it has become among the favourite indoor team building games.

2. Brains, Brawns & Bucks

The purpose of this game is to exhibit intelligence and recognise their variety.

To play “brains, brawns & bucks”, the participants form into teams and answer quizzes.

The subjects of the quiz are logic, math, arts, language, and kinaesthetic.

Achieving the highest score is its ultimate goal, and which team gets the highest score wins.

Like some of the team building games, brains, brawns & bucks has more than one segment: sets of questions, compulsory questions and all play.

In compulsory questions, team members can choose the category where they have confidence.

In all play, all teams complete the questions that will test their sense of smell, hearing, & taste and memory.

Brains, brawns & bucks promote recognition and appreciation of different bits of intelligence in various areas, aside from the IQ, and also enhance interpersonal relationships at work.

It helps individuals spot weaknesses which turn into strengths through consistent practice.

This game, like most of the indoor team building games, develops teamwork, which can produce the optimal results.

3. Newspaper Bridges

One of the interesting indoor team building games is the construction of bridges with newspapers.

The materials needed to play this game are newspapers, water jug, and tear tape.

To sort out their respective team members, they mimic the sounds of specific animals.

For example, on a piece of paper, one animal is written such as cat, dog, cow, and duck. Distribute one paper to each member.

And to know who their members are, they produce the sound based on the animal written on the paper they got.

To play the game, the team shall construct a bridge using newspaper. There will only be two pillars to support the bridge.

The bridge that is the strongest to withstand a water jug wins. 

This game helps instil among the members the value of strategic planning and management and being resourceful.

Winning this game requires the team to do some brainstorming session.

We customise team building games to meet your corporate objectives that provide fun, engaging and memorable learning experiences.

Should you need assistance or would like to find out more about our services, please send an email to, and our trainer will contact you.

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